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May 20, 2024
Qualcomm branded products are products of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. Qualcomm Academy is a program of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.
Qualcomm Academy is excited to announce that it is working with Purdue University to offer its 5G University Program to students at the school. The group is excited to train students at this top university and to help prepare them for a career in 5G!
Learn More About This Initiative Here
Qualcomm Academy is working with more than 50 university departments and student groups around the world to offer its free 5G and AI training to young engineers. To date, it has delivered more than 13,000 trainings to roughly 8,000 students and recent graduates worldwide.
Any student or recent graduate may enroll in the program here. If you represent a university department or student group that is interested in working with Qualcomm Academy to offer this program in bulk at your school, please reach out to academy@qti.qualcomm.com.
Qualcomm Academy is the educational and training branch of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Please see below for a brief overview of what we offer:
Start learning today at academy.qualcomm.com or email us at academy@qti.qualcomm.com.
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