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Jun 17, 2024
Qualcomm branded products are products of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. Qualcomm Academy is a program of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.
Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and industry experts discuss the future of AI, its potential impact on consumers, responsible usage, and the latest research. In this article originally published on OnQ, you can explore the following exciting topics:
Read the full article here, or continue reading below to learn how you can enhance your AI knowledge and skills with free AI training from Qualcomm Academy.
We have a wide range of online and self-paced AI courses that cover Qualcomm® AI fundamentals, Windows on Snapdragon, robotics, and more. These courses are designed for developers who are interested in learning how to use new and exciting Qualcomm AI platforms. All Qualcomm AI courses we offer are roughly 2-5 hours in length and are free! You may view our AI training options by clicking on the link below.
Qualcomm Academy is the educational and training branch of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Please see below for a brief overview of what we offer:
Start learning today at academy.qualcomm.com or email us at academy@qti.qualcomm.com.
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