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Mar 21, 2024
Qualcomm branded products are products of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries. Qualcomm Academy is a program of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and/or its subsidiaries.
Since the introduction of ChatGPT, the world has become enamored with the potential for artificial intelligence (AI). ChatGPT ushered in the era of generative AI, which is the ability to create new content based on simple prompts utilizing models trained on large amounts of data.
Until the introduction of large language models (LLMs), traditional AI applications analyzed data and made predictions based on learning from a limited set of data. With the rise of generative AI and the power to learn from vast amounts of data, LLMs can now recognize, summarize, predict, and generate novel text, audio, images, and even video. This brings AI into the realm of capabilities previously limited to humans.
In this article originally published in OnQ, we discuss five key areas in which generative AI is impacting our lives, including:
Continue reading this full article here.
Because the use of AI is expanding rapidly, Qualcomm Academy has introduced numerous Qualcomm® AI courses to educate developers on the latest Qualcomm® AI technologies and platforms. These courses are all online, self-paced, and taught by experienced engineers from Qualcomm Technologies. Course cover a wide range of topics, including Qualcomm® AI fundamentals, robotics, Windows on Snapdragon, and more.
Click to View Our AI Courses and to Start Learning Today.
Qualcomm Academy is the educational and training branch of Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. Please see below for a brief overview of what we offer:
Start learning today at academy.qualcomm.com or email us at academy@qti.qualcomm.com.
By Vikram Malhotra
Vikram Malhotra is a Senior Director of Program Management at Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and oversees Qualcomm Academy. He has more than 20 years of leadership experience within Qualcomm, much of which has involved the supervision of 5G training for engineers around the world. He holds a Bachelor of Science from the New York Institute of Technology and an MBA from San Diego State University.
Vikram Malhotra is a Senior Director of Program Management at Qualcomm Technologies, Inc. and oversees Qualcomm Academy. He has more than 20 years of leadership experience within Qualcomm, much of which has involved the supervision of 5G training for engineers around the world. He holds a Bachelor of Science from the New York Institute of Technology and an MBA from San Diego State University.
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