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5G is the 5th generation mobile network. It enables a new kind of network that is designed to intelligently connect everyone and everything together, including machines, objects, and devices. Check out Qualcomm’s “What is 5G?” page to learn more about the 5G revolution.
5G gives us the fastest wireless speeds we have ever experienced, with speeds up to 10x faster than 4G. 5G allows us to browse the web faster than ever before and even stream 8K video. It can also handle 100x as much traffic as 4G. To learn more about the speed and capabilities of 5G, check out Qualcomm’s 5G Academy.
This is not a question we can answer in just a couple sentences. 5G is possible because of technological advancements in network architecture like massive-MIMO and 3D beamforming, broadband capabilities across many new frequency bands of operation, and so much more. To learn more about how 5G works and how it fits into the cellular communication landscape, we recommend taking our 5G Primer or “Fundamentals of Cellular Communication and 5G” course.
5G operates in multiple frequency bands primarily across two frequency ranges: bands below 7GHz, called “sub-7” and referred to as FR1; and bands between 24GHz and 52GHz, like 28 and 39 GHz, called FR2 or “millimeter wave” (“mmWave” for short). The bands 5G uses in your region largely depends on the type of spectrum that was made available to 5G by your local authorities (e.g. FCC). We discuss 5G frequency at length in Chapter 3 of our 5G NR Technical Training course, so check out that course to learn more!
While there are many differences between 4G and 5G, one of the main differences you will notice as a wireless user is the speed of 5G. In fact, 5G has 100x as much capacity as 4G and allows for much faster streaming and an overall better web experience. In particular, 5G introduces massive MIMO and beamforming techniques to improve both spectral efficiency and system capacity. To learn more about some of the specific differences between the two, visit Qualcomm’s 5G Academy. The link in the previous sentence goes directly to the chapter that discusses the differences between each generation of wireless technology.
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